Women's Health appointments
1 on 1 telehealth visits that focus on finding and treating the root cause of your illness! A detailed history will be taken diving into your medical history (both physical and mental) and current lifestyle. Treatments will consist of lifestyle changes, supplementation, and herbal remedies. For more information, please book your 15 min free consultation appointment!
Fertility care appointments
An appointment for you and your partner that includes:
Preconception care
Egg & sperm quality
Hormonal imbalances + irregularities (PMS, PCOS, fibroids, etc)
Polycystic ovarian syndrome
Recurrent pregnancy loss and miscarriage management
Unexplained infertility
IUI & IVF success support
…and so much more!
Health looks different for everyone. Treatment plans will be made based on your own individual needs and goals.
Health and healing require more than just supplements and prescriptions. Our sessions will utilize many modalities such as nutrition, stress management, herbs, etc. in order to help you reach your wellness goals.