pms & menstrual irregularities
Your period/menstrual cycle should be a blessing, not a curse. Menstrual cycles are the reason why women (with the help of men) can create life!
Periods aren’t the most comfortable, but they should not be hell on earth. If you experience any of the following, you might have a hormone imbalance. Book with me to find out more information and address the underlying cause!
Symptoms you should NOT have to deal with:
painful periods impacting your daily life
losing more than 1/3 cup of blood during a cycle
extreme breast tenderness
lack of a period
irregular period
flow lasting longer than 7 days
lack of ovulation (that’s right, you can bleed, but you may not be ovulating)
clots larger than a quarter
bad smelling discharge or curdy white discharge
mid-cycle spotting
bleeding after sex
severe acne
severe headaches
extreme irritability